• 20170526AWABlog-Ulysse-kitchen-mixer

    AWA ULYSSE Kitchen Mixer【延續原味的設計,不著痕跡的呈現真實的美好!】

    來自台灣新澄設計 Newrxid 黃重蔚設計師,為台中藝術街旁的 40 年老公寓翻新,廚房部份配以 AWA 歐瓦 ULYSSE 廚房龍頭,簡潔內斂,致力於表現素材最真實的面貌。

  • dna_winner_2021

    2015 Red Dot Design Award for SYDNEY!

    We started ISH 2015 with a great news…Sydney won the prestigious Red Dot Product design award 2015 !

  • dna_winner_2021

    SHERLOCK: Now shipping!

    It is a pleasure to announce that we started shipping our new born: Sherlock, the stylish faucet will complement…

  • dna_winner_2021

    SHERLOCK: The authentic sink mixer from a different perspective!

    For years we have been tempted to work on something called Neo-Retro. At the request of one of our…

  • dna_winner_2021

    INKY, Simple design and pure line

    INKY is our new product. Simple design and pure line. Pop!
