New showroom for Awa Faucet in TaiwanChrisChris1:24 pmAugust 30th, 2017 New showroom for Awa Faucet in Taiwan AWA 歐瓦精品無鉛水龍頭系列,近日已於台北京華城 DAY&DAY 專櫃成立展示區,陳列出完整的廚衛龍頭系列,歡迎前來參觀,親身感受高品質的法國設計+台灣製造精品! 歡迎蒞臨 京華城 MIRA 6F DAY&DAY 專櫃 (02)3762-2541 Tags:專櫃, 廚房龍頭, 浴室龍頭 0 Related Articles Awa Faucet products distributed in Taiwan by DAY&DAY 日日 Awa-O3 fighting the spread of disease, infection and illness CNN talks about Taiwan by Design Featuring AWA JUN Kitchen Mixer SHERLOCK: Now shipping! AWA ULYSSE Kitchen Mixer【延續原味的設計,不著痕跡的呈現真實的美好!】 Awa Faucet products distributed in Taiwan by DAY&DAY 日日