Jun Spring matching perfectly a Scandinavian style Kitchen
Thanks to @newrxid for using #JunSpring kitchen tap by @AwaFaucet in a very cool #Scandinavian stye kitchen. #design #taps...
2018-07-150 -
Awa Faucet Ulysse kitchen tap featured in the A’Design Silver Award 2018 winner project by NewXrid.
We have been cooperating with Johnson Huang and his team at NewXrid for a few years. The match between...
AWA ULYSSE Kitchen Mixer【延續原味的設計,不著痕跡的呈現真實的美好!】
來自台灣新澄設計 Newrxid 黃重蔚設計師,為台中藝術街旁的 40 年老公寓翻新,廚房部份配以 AWA 歐瓦 ULYSSE 廚房龍頭,簡潔內斂,致力於表現素材最真實的面貌。
New showroom for Awa Faucet in Taiwan
AWA 歐瓦精品無鉛水龍頭系列,近日已於台北京華城 DAY&DAY 專櫃成立展示區,陳列出完整的廚衛龍頭系列,歡迎前來參觀,親身感受高品質的法國設計+台灣製造精品!
Author archive for Chris
AWA Faucet - French Design > Articles by: Chris